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منصة وسائل الإعلام المشاهير تبث الأخبار يوم الاثنين باللغة العربية


The celebrity media platform broadcasts news on Wednesday in English

La plateforme médiatique des célébrités diffuse les nouvelles le jeudi en français

Медийная платформа знаменитостей вещает новости в пятницу на русском языке

La plataforma de medios de celebridades transmite noticias el sábado en español

24 Hour Live and pre-recorded Programming

كان خطاب الرئيس الإسرائيلي إسحاق هرتسوغ في مقر الأمم المتحدة بمناسبة "الذكرى الثمانين للهولوكوست" قويًا ومدويًا.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog's speech at the United Nations Headquarters on the "80th Anniversary of the Holocaust" was powerful and resounding.
Le discours du président israélien Isaac Herzog au siège des Nations Unies pour le "80e anniversaire de l'Holocauste" était puissant et retentissant.
Выступление президента Израиля Исаака Герцога в штаб-квартире ООН на мероприятии, посвящённом «80-летию Холокоста», было мощным и звучным.
El discurso del presidente israelí Isaac Herzog en la sede de las Naciones Unidas por el "80º aniversario del Holocausto" fue poderoso y resonante.

 New York: On February 10, 2024, the Lunar New Year parade, organized by the Flushing Chinese Business Association, took place in Flushing, drawing participation from nearly 80 businesses and organizations and attracting tens of thousands of spectators. New York State Governor Kathy Hochul, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, and numerous public officials joined the parade to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

The parade was not only a cultural celebration but also a showcase of the diversity of New York State and the Flushing community. Governor Hochul mentioned in her speech that the bill she signed last September, which made Lunar New Year a public school holiday, was intended to allow families to come together to celebrate this traditional festival. Governor Hochul stated, "There is no better place to celebrate Lunar New Year than in Flushing, Queens, one of the most diverse places on the planet."


The following are screenshot of the video

At the parade, Governor Hochul emphasized the dragon as a symbol of resilience and courage, values that are esteemed in New York State. She also highlighted the state government's commitment to protecting the Asian Pacific community from hate crimes, including allocating $30 million to support the Asian Pacific community.

Mayor Adams also spoke, emphasizing the importance of celebrating Lunar New Year together as a state and how the event showcases New York State's diversity. He praised the Chinese Business Association and all volunteers and police departments involved in organizing the event.

Peter Tu, the chief consultant of the Chinese Business Association, mentioned that the event has been held for nearly 30 years, showcasing not only the strength of Flushing but also the punctuality, orderliness, and discipline of the Chinese community. Tu expressed hope that Lunar New Year could eventually become a national holiday, celebrated across the entire United States.

This Lunar New Year parade was not just a celebration of culture and community but also a reflection of New York State's commitment to multiculturalism and community safety. Through such events, New York State demonstrates its strength and virtue as an inclusive and diverse community.