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Welcome to the Celebrity Media Network TV Platform. We broadcast news in the six official UN languages.

منصة وسائل الإعلام المشاهير تبث الأخبار يوم الاثنين باللغة العربية


The celebrity media platform broadcasts news on Wednesday in English

La plateforme médiatique des célébrités diffuse les nouvelles le jeudi en français

Медийная платформа знаменитостей вещает новости в пятницу на русском языке

La plataforma de medios de celebridades transmite noticias el sábado en español

24 Hour Live and pre-recorded Programming

الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة أنطونيو غوتيريش في قمة الاتحاد الأفريقي: "يجب على المجتمع الدولي بذل كل جهد ممكن لمنع تصعيد الأوضاع في المنطقة."5

UN Secretary-General António Guterres at the African Union Summit: The international community "must spare no effort to prevent regional escalation."
Le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, António Guterres, au Sommet de l'Union africaine : La communauté internationale "doit tout faire pour éviter une escalade régionale."
Генеральный секретарь ООН Антониу Гутерреш на саммите Африканского союза: Международное сообщество «должно сделать всё возможное, чтобы предотвратить эскалацию в регионе».
El Secretario General de la ONU, António Guterres, en la Cumbre de la Unión Africana: La comunidad internacional "debe hacer todo lo posible para evitar una escalada regional."

Celebrity Media Editor's Note: The Celebrity Media United Nations Video Channel offers simultaneous interpretation services in six official languages based on the language settings of your iPhone. If your iPhone's default system setting is one of the six UN official languages, you will receive the simultaneous interpretation service.

Celebrity Media's six-language online platforms include: the Celebrity Media International Media Network Platform and the Celebrity Media International Alliance Network Platform. The homepage of the Celebrity Media six-language platform presents content in one of the UN's six official languages, alphabetically, from Monday to Saturday. The specific schedule is as follows: Monday: Arabic; Tuesday: Chinese; Wednesday: English; Thursday: French; Friday: Russian; Saturday: Spanish.

The network platform of the Celebrity Media Foundation, referred to as Celebrity Media, collaborates with media organizations using the six UN official languages through the UN News Center to establish the Celebrity Media International Alliance. It is dedicated to collecting, editing, and publishing global news, primarily United Nations news.

The Celebrity Media online platform is created and maintained by the AI Network Technology Department of the Celebrity Media Foundation. In addition to broadcasting news in the six official UN languages, some platforms offer special features, such as redisplaying reports and programs from years ago on the homepage. The Celebrity Media network platform is non-governmental media organization, the first to broadcast news in the six official UN languagesthe first to broadcast news in the six official UN languages. "501(c)(3) NGO"

iPhone devices using the six official UN languages can automatically select the audio channel of UN videos according to the device's language settings, achieving simultaneous interpretation. This feature is only available for Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish settings. Other languages, such as Japanese or Korean, cannot utilize this simultaneous interpretation feature.

This is an intelligent feature relying on Apple devices and United Nations technology. Videos released by the United Nations use real-time translation technology (such as voice recognition and language models) built into Apple devices for language processing. Specifically, when users watch UN videos, the device automatically selects the translation language based on the system language settings, providing simultaneous interpretation or subtitles. The implementation of this technology depends on the combination of device localization settings and cloud translation services, enhancing the efficiency of multilingual communication.