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منصة وسائل الإعلام المشاهير تبث الأخبار يوم الاثنين باللغة العربية


The celebrity media platform broadcasts news on Wednesday in English

La plateforme médiatique des célébrités diffuse les nouvelles le jeudi en français

Медийная платформа знаменитостей вещает новости в пятницу на русском языке

La plataforma de medios de celebridades transmite noticias el sábado en español

24 Hour Live and pre-recorded Programming

الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة أنطونيو غوتيريش في قمة الاتحاد الأفريقي: "يجب على المجتمع الدولي بذل كل جهد ممكن لمنع تصعيد الأوضاع في المنطقة."5

UN Secretary-General António Guterres at the African Union Summit: The international community "must spare no effort to prevent regional escalation."
Le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, António Guterres, au Sommet de l'Union africaine : La communauté internationale "doit tout faire pour éviter une escalade régionale."
Генеральный секретарь ООН Антониу Гутерреш на саммите Африканского союза: Международное сообщество «должно сделать всё возможное, чтобы предотвратить эскалацию в регионе».
El Secretario General de la ONU, António Guterres, en la Cumbre de la Unión Africana: La comunidad internacional "debe hacer todo lo posible para evitar una escalada regional."

Nomination Call - United Nations Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Prize 2025© UN Photo/Pernaca Sudhakaran

Details of the Nomination

The United Nations is accepting nominations for the 2025 United Nations Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Prize until 28 February 2025.

This prize is given out only every five years. It acknowledges individuals who dedicate their lives to the service of humanity, by promoting the purposes and principles of the United Nations. It also honours Nelson Mandela’s legacy of reconciliation, political transition and social transformation.

Two individuals - a woman and a man from different geographic regions – will be selected by a United Nations committee chaired by the President of the General Assembly and representatives of six Member States, plus five eminent advisers. The United Nations Department of Global Communications serves as the committee’s secretariat.

The award ceremony will be in New York at the annual commemoration for Nelson Mandela Day on 18 July.

The laureates in 2020 were Marianna V. Vardinoyannis, a Greek philanthropist and world advocate for human rights and the protection of children’s health and welfare, who is also a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Goodwill Ambassador; and Morissanda Kouyaté, a leading advocate from Guinea on ending violence against women and girls in Africa.

In 2015, the Prize recognized Dr. Helena Ndume of Namibia, an ophthalmologist whose life’s work has been the treatment of blindness and eye-related illnesses in Namibia and throughout the developing world; and former President of Portugal Jorge Fernando Branco Sampaio, a leader in the struggle for the restoration of democracy in his country.

Online nominations for the prize will be accepted until the deadline of 28 February 2025.

