


名人媒体为世界和平而努力!Celebrity Media Works for World Peace

24 Hour Live and pre-recorded Programming
وكيل الأمين العام لعمليات السلام، جان بيير لاكروا، ألقى خطاباً هاماً حول الوضع في لبنان.
The Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations. Jean-Pierre Lacroix delivered an important speech on the situation in Lebanon
Le Secrétaire général adjoint aux opérations de paix, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, a prononcé un discours important sur la situation au Liban.
Заместитель Генерального секретаря ООН по миротворческим операциям Жан-Пьер Лакруа выступил с важной речью о ситуации в Ливане.
El Secretario General Adjunto de Operaciones de Paz, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, pronunció un importante discurso sobre la situación en el Líbano.

Celebrity Media Editor's Note: For three consecutive years, Celebrity Media reporters were invited by Djibril Diallo, PhD London | President & CEO African Renaissance and Diaspora Network to attend the Africa Day celebration event held at the United Nations Headquarters. The annual United Nations Africa Day celebration took place yesterday in the Trusteeship Council Hall at the United Nations Headquarters.

The Vice-Chairman of the Celebrity Media Foundation, the Deputy Director of the IT Department, the Dean of the Celebrity Media AI Academy, and Celebrity Media's videographers and photographers participated in the celebration.

The Permanent Representative of Senegal to the United Nations and the Permanent Representative of Slovakia to the United Nations, whom this station had previously interviewed, attended and gave speeches respectively.

   The Vice-Chairman of the Celebrity Media Foundation, the Deputy Director of the IT Department, the Dean of the Celebrity Media AI Academy,Enze Bai

 Celebrity media photojournalist Ouyang Zongluan