


名人媒体为世界和平而努力!Celebrity Media Works for World Peace

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كلمة بوب راي، السفير الدائم لكندا لدى الأمم المتحدة، في منتدى المرأة والسلام
加拿大常驻联合国大使 Bob Rae 在妇女和平论坛上的致辞
Speech by Bob Rae, Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations, at the Women, Peace Forum

Moi, Bob Rae, Représentant permanent du Canada auprès des Nations Unies, prononce ce discours au Forum Femmes, Paix.
Я, Боб Рэй, Постоянный представитель Канады при ООН, произношу эту речь на Форуме «Женщины и мир».
Yo, Bob Rae, Representante Permanente de Canadá ante las Naciones Unidas, pronuncio este discurso en el Foro de Mujeres y Paz.

The Deputy Secretary-General, Amina Mohammed was in Port Sudan today (29 Aug). She was accompanied by Ramtane Lamamra, the Personal Envoy for Sudan, as well as the Resident Coordinator for Sudan, Clementine Nkweta-Salami, and senior officials from the World Food Programme, UNHCR, and UNICEF. They met with displaced persons, they also met with the UN team, and with a number of government officials of Sudan. This is aimed at highlighting the humanitarian crisis ongoing in the country.

Speaking to reporters, the Deputy Secretary-General said, “The visit has been at the opportunity of the Government opening up the border in Adre. The humanitarian task that we have in Sudan has been very big. It has been one that we have been consistently supporting the Government to try to address the crisis in the country.”

She added, “The many atrocities that we have seen [inaudible] upon men, women, children, especially, and for that, we wanted to come to speak and to support the Government in keeping that border open and aid to the people that need it most across the country. But in this particular case, this new opening gave us another opportunity.”

The Deputy Secretary-General also said, “The second, of course, is to bring the international community again to see the visibility of the crisis here in Sudan.”

“It is a huge one. There are many people suffering. It requires enormous support for commitments that have been made to the humanitarian cause, but have to be fulfilled, and they have to be done urgently,” she highlighted.

The UN deputy chief continued, “We have impending crisis around famine. We are not getting medical supplies in where there are health crises. But more importantly, we have to remember the suffering of the people, and we are here to do this with the Government of Sudan.”